Hey there,
Just a quick update this time round.
I'm going back to college within the week and looking for a job in the coming weeks after that, so that I can pay for myself on the buses rather than have my parents do that.
I'm looking forwards to college to be honest. I'm bored without it, and I do actually enjoy learning. It makes me feel about 80% less useless than I actually am. You know the feeling.
Honestly, I don't mind writing and I enjoy it, but I hardly ever have much to write about. Which obviously sucks. Ah well.
Anyway, here is my most recent drawing.
More practise with the pen, I'm glad I can do this now without spending a few days on it, on and off.
3 layers, done in SAI trial-version.
It's Rei, from the popular anime and manga series: Highschool of the Dead, you may recognise this image from the beginning credits of all the episodes.
Obviously, this character is copyrighted to Shoji Sato and the company that own the rights to the entire cast of H.O.T.D
Anyway, I hope you enjoy.
Until next time, Much love!