There has been a staggering lack of posting recently hasn't there!
I apologise, once again, I promise to upload more, I have been wrapped up in coursework unfortunately.
I have a few pencil drawings ready to be scanned and uploaded, but they'll have to wait unfortunately, as I have gotten a bad mark in my Digital Graphics unit and that will have to come first. It looks like I misread a few questions, but I still want to make 100% certain that it is out of the way so I can get ahead and then have spare time to do other things I enjoy, like more drawing.
Anyway, the image on the left is for my good friend Ferne, who's just turned 17. She's a zombie lover and I will colour this for her at some point, but like I wrote earlier, I need to concentrate on my studies right now.
I've also just finished writing my personal statement draft. It's due in full form very soon also, which isn't too good for me. I'll get it done, but damn, was that nerve racking.
Anyway, I'll go more in depth in some actual topics as soon as I'm in the clear with my college work, but for now, it's catch up time.
Tatty-bye ;)
Blue Starsong
A blog on nerdiness and geekery of many kinds. Also, my drawings.
Monday, 31 October 2011
Thursday, 1 September 2011
Return to college and H.O.T.D
Hey there,
Just a quick update this time round.
I'm going back to college within the week and looking for a job in the coming weeks after that, so that I can pay for myself on the buses rather than have my parents do that.
I'm looking forwards to college to be honest. I'm bored without it, and I do actually enjoy learning. It makes me feel about 80% less useless than I actually am. You know the feeling.
Honestly, I don't mind writing and I enjoy it, but I hardly ever have much to write about. Which obviously sucks. Ah well.
Anyway, here is my most recent drawing.
More practise with the pen, I'm glad I can do this now without spending a few days on it, on and off.
3 layers, done in SAI trial-version.
It's Rei, from the popular anime and manga series: Highschool of the Dead, you may recognise this image from the beginning credits of all the episodes.
Obviously, this character is copyrighted to Shoji Sato and the company that own the rights to the entire cast of H.O.T.D
Anyway, I hope you enjoy.
Until next time, Much love!
Just a quick update this time round.
I'm going back to college within the week and looking for a job in the coming weeks after that, so that I can pay for myself on the buses rather than have my parents do that.
I'm looking forwards to college to be honest. I'm bored without it, and I do actually enjoy learning. It makes me feel about 80% less useless than I actually am. You know the feeling.
Honestly, I don't mind writing and I enjoy it, but I hardly ever have much to write about. Which obviously sucks. Ah well.
Anyway, here is my most recent drawing.
More practise with the pen, I'm glad I can do this now without spending a few days on it, on and off.
3 layers, done in SAI trial-version.
It's Rei, from the popular anime and manga series: Highschool of the Dead, you may recognise this image from the beginning credits of all the episodes.
Obviously, this character is copyrighted to Shoji Sato and the company that own the rights to the entire cast of H.O.T.D
Anyway, I hope you enjoy.
Until next time, Much love!
Wednesday, 17 August 2011
Life and when shtuff goes wrong.
Ohai there, reader.
Go take a look at some of my older posts if you want to see my attempts at drawing and other mindless bloggery.
So, if you've noticed the dates at the side, I haven't blogged or drawn for a while. I feel fairly shit about that, because when I set out with this blog, I intended to draw a lot and update every few days, I even started with a little back-log to drop backwards into to if I skipped too many days. I've almost exhausted that back-log, and I haven't even moved forwards properly yet as an artist. My style hasn't improved and I haven't learnt much. All I have learnt is that a lot of software claiming to be free-ware tends to have a hidden trial date or something else of that description.
I was hoping to eventually get my hardest attempts to the same level as say... JellyVampire's doodles and scraps and maybe even one day, my works might even resemble their greater ones.
I guess this is me trying to make up excuses for slacking and having such an uneventful life that I don't have anything to write about in two weeks that doesn't offend or embarrass anyone.
I have a couple of ideas for drawings, they're in the blue layer still, so here is a comic I drew a long time ago, I hope you enjoy it and at least get a chuckle out of it, it's based on a true story.
Anywho, I promise more to come in the future. Give it a week or something so I can get my head straight, and I'll be back to spamming you with useless imagery.
Go take a look at some of my older posts if you want to see my attempts at drawing and other mindless bloggery.
Click the image if you want to read it!
So, if you've noticed the dates at the side, I haven't blogged or drawn for a while. I feel fairly shit about that, because when I set out with this blog, I intended to draw a lot and update every few days, I even started with a little back-log to drop backwards into to if I skipped too many days. I've almost exhausted that back-log, and I haven't even moved forwards properly yet as an artist. My style hasn't improved and I haven't learnt much. All I have learnt is that a lot of software claiming to be free-ware tends to have a hidden trial date or something else of that description.
I was hoping to eventually get my hardest attempts to the same level as say... JellyVampire's doodles and scraps and maybe even one day, my works might even resemble their greater ones.
I guess this is me trying to make up excuses for slacking and having such an uneventful life that I don't have anything to write about in two weeks that doesn't offend or embarrass anyone.
I have a couple of ideas for drawings, they're in the blue layer still, so here is a comic I drew a long time ago, I hope you enjoy it and at least get a chuckle out of it, it's based on a true story.
Anywho, I promise more to come in the future. Give it a week or something so I can get my head straight, and I'll be back to spamming you with useless imagery.
Wednesday, 3 August 2011
Alisa from Tekken and the holidays.
Ohai thar,
This holiday I said to myself that I'd do at least one thing to make myself feel like I've not just wasted time.
While I enjoy drawing, I don't think that this has one has served me very well in terms of practise. It wasn't fun at all either. I think that's the last time I attempt a character that I haven't seen an anime version of yet. Well, I had, but the eyes just didn't fit the face.
Frankly, I ended up rushing her a bit, which is sad, because I did the first part really fast and it looked good, and then I spent about a week brooding over the eyes and kept putting it off by playing Oblivion. I love you Oblivion.
So, the eyes turned out more than a little derpy. It makes me toss and turn at night but I honestly feel like I can't move on much from here. I'll come back to it someday, when I feel more confident.
As a wise man once said, Art is never finished. Only abandoned. 10 points if you know who.
And I apologise for the lack of uploads, I have truly been stuck with this. I'll step up my game, don't worry. I'll also try and cover a bit more wider topics, such as games and nerdiness in general, I might even touch on some real world events, such as the current Anonymous situation, though I might steer clear from that thinking about it, I don't want to go all political and scare people away.
Anywho, I'd love a comment or two on what character I should attempt next, take a look at my older bloggings to see what I've done thus-far.
![]() |
Alisa Tekken 6 |
While I enjoy drawing, I don't think that this has one has served me very well in terms of practise. It wasn't fun at all either. I think that's the last time I attempt a character that I haven't seen an anime version of yet. Well, I had, but the eyes just didn't fit the face.
Frankly, I ended up rushing her a bit, which is sad, because I did the first part really fast and it looked good, and then I spent about a week brooding over the eyes and kept putting it off by playing Oblivion. I love you Oblivion.
So, the eyes turned out more than a little derpy. It makes me toss and turn at night but I honestly feel like I can't move on much from here. I'll come back to it someday, when I feel more confident.
As a wise man once said, Art is never finished. Only abandoned. 10 points if you know who.
And I apologise for the lack of uploads, I have truly been stuck with this. I'll step up my game, don't worry. I'll also try and cover a bit more wider topics, such as games and nerdiness in general, I might even touch on some real world events, such as the current Anonymous situation, though I might steer clear from that thinking about it, I don't want to go all political and scare people away.
Anywho, I'd love a comment or two on what character I should attempt next, take a look at my older bloggings to see what I've done thus-far.
Friday, 29 July 2011
Art and our hands.
Hey there, 'Hope you're doing well.
Recently, a friend said to me; "People make art with their eyes." At first I was like "Yeah, so true." but then I had a proper think about it while walking around my town today.
Art is made by hand. (Usually. Singers write scripts at some point. Shush.)
Artists make art through many different ways and for many different audiences.
Recently, a friend said to me; "People make art with their eyes." At first I was like "Yeah, so true." but then I had a proper think about it while walking around my town today.

Artists make art through many different ways and for many different audiences.
Some make art for eyes.
Under Construction, obviously. <3
Some make art for ears.
Some art is made for a mixture of senses.
Like taste, smell and sight.
Look at that crumpet. Damn. Makes my mouth water. That is a masterpiece, I can tell you that for free.
Basically, what I'm trying to say is:
Art is made in many different ways and we all start with the same tools (our hands), but somehow get different results, be it a poem, a sound, a drawing, a concept or a magnificent meal like that crumpet right there.
Something to think about for a while.
If you don't think so, then click Next Blog at the top of the page, if you do however, give me a +1 and tell me what you think.
Monday, 4 July 2011
Angel, Katamari Music and an Apology.
So all today I've been listening to the Katamari Soundtrack. I knew it was addicting but in the words of RWJ: GEEZUS. Everlasting Love.
Thank you Youtube. <3
Anywho, Unfortunately, my camera has gone walk-about, so I'm gunna have to postpone my project for another couple of days. I'm sorry. :(
So I spent today doing this for you all instead.
On the left here is Angel, looking slightly confused and about to thrust her Guard Skill: Hand Sonic blade.
7-8 layers, all done in GIMP 2.6, which crashed on me several times today. I might have to look at getting another program. Referenced off a picture from google images, 20 Points if you know what Anime she is from.
Until next time, see ya'!
So all today I've been listening to the Katamari Soundtrack. I knew it was addicting but in the words of RWJ: GEEZUS. Everlasting Love.
Thank you Youtube. <3
Anywho, Unfortunately, my camera has gone walk-about, so I'm gunna have to postpone my project for another couple of days. I'm sorry. :(
So I spent today doing this for you all instead.
On the left here is Angel, looking slightly confused and about to thrust her Guard Skill: Hand Sonic blade.
7-8 layers, all done in GIMP 2.6, which crashed on me several times today. I might have to look at getting another program. Referenced off a picture from google images, 20 Points if you know what Anime she is from.
Until next time, see ya'!
Saturday, 2 July 2011
Taiga, College and other such geekery.
Ohai there,
I apologise for the long wait between blogs. I've been busy with college work and for a few days, I didn't have proper access to my computer.
So, I've passed the first year of my college course, despite the difficulties I've had at the start of the year. It's great, I can't wait to move on to the next year. I'm going to blitz it and get it all done at the start so I can have a bit more time off at the end of it.
Now I'm on holiday for a month and a bit. Maybe two. I can't keep track very well. Either way, I have plenty of time to draw now and that surprise I was on about is almost ready, I just need to get at the camera and have some decent light in the room I will be filming to get started. It will all be revealed soon.
Been playing more Katamari, I love it. Since my xbox is well and truly buggered (6 fixes later and it won't last more than a minute on it's own), I doubt that I will get to play it at home so I've given it to a friend for the time being. The game I mean, not the xbox. That's chilling in the corner.
I've been playing more Minecraft also, just waiting for some mod updates so that I can get going properly again. I might do more pixel art on my server for that, a giant Charmander would look great next to my Nyan-cat
Oh yes, the image on the top right is Taiga, from Toradora again. 5-6 layers in GIMP 2.6, the eyes were very difficult for me to do, I was working with a 1 pixel brush at one point. This is where I realised I should just set the resolution to 4000x4000 and work with a larger brush. Ah well, a lesson learnt for another image.
I apologise for the long wait between blogs. I've been busy with college work and for a few days, I didn't have proper access to my computer.
So, I've passed the first year of my college course, despite the difficulties I've had at the start of the year. It's great, I can't wait to move on to the next year. I'm going to blitz it and get it all done at the start so I can have a bit more time off at the end of it.
Now I'm on holiday for a month and a bit. Maybe two. I can't keep track very well. Either way, I have plenty of time to draw now and that surprise I was on about is almost ready, I just need to get at the camera and have some decent light in the room I will be filming to get started. It will all be revealed soon.
Been playing more Katamari, I love it. Since my xbox is well and truly buggered (6 fixes later and it won't last more than a minute on it's own), I doubt that I will get to play it at home so I've given it to a friend for the time being. The game I mean, not the xbox. That's chilling in the corner.
I've been playing more Minecraft also, just waiting for some mod updates so that I can get going properly again. I might do more pixel art on my server for that, a giant Charmander would look great next to my Nyan-cat
Oh yes, the image on the top right is Taiga, from Toradora again. 5-6 layers in GIMP 2.6, the eyes were very difficult for me to do, I was working with a 1 pixel brush at one point. This is where I realised I should just set the resolution to 4000x4000 and work with a larger brush. Ah well, a lesson learnt for another image.
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